For me, part of traveling is not only the destination, but also getting there (by plane). I am sort of an aviation enthusiast. Wanting to log in different airlines, I managed to get a ticket on Aigle Azur (a French company with few choice routes in Europe and Africa) and TAP Air Portugal. I flew on the A321 on both legs (from and to Orly, the ‘other’ Paris airport).
Flying into Lisbon could be an amazing experience. The airport is so close to the city (indeed, you could take the airport bus to the city in very little time and when your plane land and on the runway, you could see apartment buildings just behind the airport fence). Lisbon is physically beautiful with its hills and bay (water everywhere)…reminds one of San Francisco or Sydney really….reinforced by the bridge (The 25th of April bridge…..visible as you land) that instantly make you think of the Golden Gate bridge in SF.
Lisbon airport is tiny by Paris standard, but you can’t beat the convenience of its proximity to the city. I was supposed to meet a friend for dinner…and made it from the airport (on the airport bus) to his house in about 10 minutes.
We had dinner in a traditional Portuguese restaurant (no English spoken here)…and had a wonderful calamary main dish (with potatoes and some kind of beans) but was impressed mostly by the dessert,
Lisbon is much cheaper than Paris (for drinks, food and cigarettes)….it is also much smaller of course (and as far as natural beauty, much prettier too), and though I enjoyed my trip very much, I guess living there would make me miss the real ‘city life’ (anonymity and the big city feel that you get in NY, Sydney, London and Paris).
The gay guide lists a number of parks as cruising areas in Lisbon (but always with a warning, and indeed a number of them actually had male prostitutes rather than guys just cruising e.g. Edouardo VII park), but there are many gay bars (in Bairro Alto, Principe Real and Chiado), cruising clubs and saunas in Lisbon (see : Everyone told me about the best (gay) club called Lux (a cab ride from Bairro Alto) that I fortunately did not manage to visit. Last but not least, gay marriage is legal in Portugal, unlike in France (that recognizes only unions rather than marriage per se).
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